International Yoga Day 2023 Celebration

Event Date: June 21, 2023, 8:30 a.m.

Participated By: Center director Mr. Bindu, coordinator Ms. Santoshi, children and village residents.

International Yoga Day Celebrated with Enthusiasm by Sarva Jana Hitaya Welfare Society's Gureh Gyanodaya Center.

International Yoga Day Celebrated with Enthusiasm by Sarva Jana Hitaya Welfare Society's Gureh Gyanodaya Center. For the past 7 years, free tuition has been provided to children here, and along with that, awareness about yoga, health, and moral responsibility is also instilled in them. Let's come together, practice yoga, stay healthy, do good work, help each other, and contribute to the progress of the nation. It is worth mentioning that the Nishulka Gyanodaya Center has been consistently progressing on the path of providing a golden opportunity for the future of underprivileged children in Gurueh, a village located near the city of Banda. On the occasion of Yoga Day today, various exercises and types of yoga were taught to children, along with explaining their significance. The physical benefits of exercise were also elucidated. On this occasion, respected elders, women, and hundreds of children from the village came together to celebrate International Yoga Day. Center director Mr. Bindu and coordinator Ms. Santoshi led the children and village residents in practicing yoga and provided information about its benefits.

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